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Our Charges
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Important Information


Please remember to book early for peak periods as we are usually completely full at these times.

It is not unusual to have reservations of up to a year in advance from regular clients. We ask you to please observe our opening hours as we also have a family life just like you and there are many tasks to be done without disturbance when we are closed. If you wish us to provide a good service and to spend time with your pets then please enable us to carry this out

We take in boarders over the Christmas period which is for a minimum of five days, during which we are not open for collection or delivery of animals. We only take a limited amount so please book early.

A deposit is required for bookings and is not refundable on cancellation. In high season, e.g. July - September, Christmas and children's holidays, we are obliged to charge for dates booked regardless of the animals being collected or delivered on different dates.

A full day is charged for days of arrival and departure as the accommodation is reserved for your animal on both days. Whenever possible try to bring your pet in earlier in the day to give him/her a chance to settle in.

Out of high season animals collected before 9.30 a.m. will not be charged for that day.

Collection and Delivery

A local collection and delivery service operates so please ask for a quote for your area. We do not collect or deliver weekends or bank holidays.

Veterinary Care

We reserve the right to call the vet should we feel it necessary and the owner will be charged accordingly. Please let us know if your pet has had any recent veterinary treatment or medical history we should know about. Our vet is on call 24 hours a day and is five minutes' drive as the surgery is in our lane. He is also a qualified Homeopathic Vet.

Bath and Groom service

Pat Waters holds the City and Guilds Certificate 775 for grooming and first aid and any dog can benefit from a professional bath and groom. They can be bathed and groomed ready to be collected and this includes nail trimming and ear cleaning. Please do not hesitate to ask for a quote. We hope your pet's stay is enjoyable and please do not hesitate to call us if on arriving home you have any problems, however small.